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Graebert is no stranger to BIM [building information modeling], even though the company is never associated with the ArchiCADs and Vectorworks of the world. It has a subsidiary named iSurvey whose SiteMaster software is used to measure and model the interiors of buildings and kitchens in a BIM context for six years now.
Graebert was invited on June 9, 2016, to present BIM surveying examples for Facility Management at buildingSMART event in Essen, Germany. BuildingSMART is the organization developing and maintaining the BIM international standards such as the IFC. During its presentation, Graebert emphasized on the advantage of mobile solutions like SiteMaster, working with a tablet and hand laser generating not only BIM models but enriched data for managing facilities. Read more about SiteMaster here
Keynote Christian Rust and Thomas Prinzen from Graebert’s Digital BIM measurement for facility management participated in the 14th BIM User Day on June 9, 2016 in Essen, Germany. Learn more about the event here. (Link no longer available)
Building information modeling (BIM) is how architects today design buildings — or at least that is the hope of CAD software firms. Because of how BIM software is implemented, it is highly incompatible with competitors, and so this effectively locks in entire regions to a single supplier. When one CAD vendor gains a significant foothold in the region with its BIM software, clients and customers need to use the exact same software or else suffer the inability to land work. The following article is an abstract of the eBook ‘Best CAD Practices’ by Ralph Grabowski. Graebert is happy to share with you some of the experience accumulated by Ralph as a CAD expert and as compiled in his eBook for which the reference can be found at the bottom of the page. Feel free to share feedback in the comment section below. There is a solution: IFC. Industry foundation classes are
SiteMaster BIM is a surveying solution to create in the most efficient and accurate way on-site as-built 2D floorplans and/or 3D building designs in DWG directly and automatically from the measures taken with your laser distance meter. This video explains how to change window properties in SiteMaster BIM. Our solution can be run on any Windows computer or more interestingly on a Windows tablet you can eventually wear as a watch (eg on a 8″ tablet). The distances and angles are sent by Bluetooth from the distance meter which allows you to draw very fast and with the highest accuracy. To learn more about SiteMaster BIM, visit our Youtube Channel: GraebertTV
SiteMaster BIM is a surveying solution to create in the most efficient and accurate way on-site as-built 2D floorplans and/or 3D building designs in DWG directly and automatically from the measures taken with your laser distance meter. This video explains how to change the tests and fonts in the software. Our solution can be run on any Windows computer or more interestingly on a Windows tablet you can eventually wear as a watch (eg on a 8″ tablet). The distances and angles are sent by Bluetooth from the distance meter which allows you to draw very fast and with the highest accuracy. To learn more about SiteMaster BIM, visit our Youtube Channel: GraebertTV
SiteMaster BIM is a surveying solution to create in the most efficient and accurate way on-site as-built 2D floorplans and/or 3D building designs in DWG directly and automatically from the measures taken with your laser distance meter. This video explains how to change the properties of doors BIM objects using the properties panel in the software. Our solution can be run on any Windows computer or more interestingly on a Windows tablet you can eventually wear as a watch (eg on a 8″ tablet). The distances and angles are sent by Bluetooth from the distance meter which allows you to draw very fast and with the highest accuracy. To learn more about SiteMaster BIM, visit our Youtube Channel: GraebertTV
Sitemaster 2013 leverages power of industry-leading ARES CAD engine, offers DWG- and IFC- compatibility and is ADT object-oriented Berlin – Graebert™ – a leading developer of CAD software, solutions, and services, including building surveying software and services – today announced that a Beta download of SiteMaster™ 2013 is available to select users and is also introducing SiteMaster 2013 BIM. Both products are managed and distributed by Graebert’s iSurvey team ( SiteMaster 2013 is an advanced building survey software solution for mobile devices. It can be paired with any Bluetooth®-enabled Laser Distance Meter on any Microsoft® Windows® 7 or 8 tablet device to create accurate digital CAD drawings and “as-build” floor plans of existing buildings while onsite. About SiteMaster 2013 SiteMaster 2013 is a 2D solution for capturing building information onsite with enhanced 3D viewing. This new version of SiteMaster is built on the powerful and efficient ARES® CAD engine from
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