UNDET Point Cloud Plugin for ARES Commander

Use Point Cloud Data in ARES Commander

The UNDET Point Cloud Plugin for ARES Commander lets you import and handle point cloud data directly inside the ARES CAD Software.

Project Management

+ Undet Indexer – Allows to bring in numerous file types from different scanner vendors. *.E57, *.LAS, *.LAZ, *.PTS, *.DP, *.FLS, *.FPR, *.LSPROJ, *.FWS, *.CL3, *.CLR, *.ZFS, *.RSP, ASCII / NEZ (X,Y,Z/i/RGB). So you can bring in point clouds derived from any technology or application such as Airborne LiDAR, UAV/UAS/Drones, Mobile Mapping Systems, Terrestrial Scanners, Handheld Scanners or Photogrammetry.
+ Open – Open Undet projects (load point cloud to CAD environment).
+ Close – Unload point cloud

Clipping Box Management

+ Create, resize, turn on/off Undet Clipping Box – Undet Clipping Box allows rapid point cloud slicing, from bigger chunks to the dollar-bill slices.

Color Management

+ Point Cloud Coloring Options – Enables rendering in natural colors, by intensity, or by plane. Change transparency, point size, and other coloring settings.

Density Management

+ Perfect balance between visibility & performance. – Via scan data dialog one can manage visibility and grouping for the chunks of the original input data.

Learn more about Plugins for ARES Commander: